Friday, October 24, 2008

My grandmother was admitted to the hospital yesterday. She has a horrifyingly low blood count (iron count?) and they don't know what's wrong. She was diagnosed with and treated for congestive heart failure at the first of the year and has been on oxygen ever since. Though she won't admit it directly, she also has diabetes. There is some speculation that her cocktail of prescriptions has caused internal bleeding, but no one is sure. I spoke with her on Wed and hung up feeling very unsettled. She'll be 79 next week. My mom said she'd call with updates after she speaks with my grandfather, but early indications look pretty bleak.

Although, after finding her so very, very sick when we first moved to FL last year, and steadily worsen until New Year's Day when we "forced" her to go to the hospital, we had very dire predictions then, too. Sometimes I thought a funeral would be part of our 6 mo visit. But she pulled through and by June I was amazed at the difference and in early Sept I spoke with her and never would have guessed she'd been in such a state. So... I guess only time will tell this time, too.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I'm sorry to hear she is ill. I hope they figure out what is going on quickly.