Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I've just finished reading Fablehaven #4 by Brandon Mull. In the back, in the author comments section, he asked that if we enjoyed the book(s) we should tell others. So, I'll tell you...

I loved the books! If you are at all into the fantasy genre, give them a try. The story starts with a brother and a sister "forced" to spend a few weeks with their paternal grandparents on their reclusive estate in CT. Once they arrive, they discover there is more to the place than meets the eye. Fairies, demons, witches, and a chicken all make for a very interesting vacation. The second book starts the following summer and introduces a few new characters and a lot more action. The third picks up where the second leaves off and brings in more people and higher stakes. Lil'Nathan and I had a tug-o-war over the fourth in the library, each anxious to see what happens. The last one of the series won't be out until sometime in 20210.


Overall, we very much enjoy them and can wholeheartedly recommend them. And Lil'Nathan read his other novel, Candy Shop War, and though it wasn't what he expected ("I thought they'd have a war with candy for bullets and stuff, but it was about saving the shop from a bad guy with magic candy.") he liked it a lot. Maybe try that one, too.

1 comment:

Sara said...

so how many books has lil' nathan read since last week?